Korean J Obstet Gynecol Search


Korean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2008;51(5):534-543.
Published online May 1, 2008.
Expression of leptin receptors and the antiapoptotic effect of leptin on epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines.
Hyuk Min Kwon, Ji Yeon Lee, Tae Gyu Ahn, Hyang Ah Lee, Jong Yun Hwang, Jun Sik Cho, Dong Heon Lee
1Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, College of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chunchon, Korea. obypf@kangwon.ac.kr
2Clinical Research Institute, Kangwon National University Hospital, Chunchon, Korea.
The potential role of leptin as an endocrine regulator is unknown in ovarian cancer. In the present study, we investigated the expression of letpin receptors in IOSE (Immortalized ovarian surface epithelium) and ovarian cancer cell lines, and potential role of leptin on the cell growth and taxol induced apoptosis. METHODS: To check the presence of leptin receptors in 4 human epithelial ovarian cancer cell lines (SK-OV-3, R182, A2780 and CP70), RT-PCR was done. In the RT-PCR, 2 primers were used; primers for short form of leptin receptor and for long form of leptin receptor. Cancer cell lines were treated with leptin and the cell viability was measured using the cellTiter 96 Aqueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay Kit. The antiapoptotic effect of leptin against taxol induced apoptosis on ovarian cancer cell lines was evaluated by checking caspase 3/7 activity. RESULTS: Leptin receptors on ovarian cancer cell lines were expressed differentially according to the type of isoform. There was long form leptin receptor on CP70, but no short form receptor. All other cell line showed both short and long form receptors. Leptin increased cell viability in all cell lines in a dose-dependent manner and reduced the number of apoptotic cells in A2780. CONCLUSIONS: There were leptin receptors in IOSE and some ovarian cancer cell lines. Chronic increase in leptin concentration may enhance the growth of ovarian cancers. In part, the increased cell growth after leptin treatment seemed to be due to the antiapoptotic effect of leptin.
Key Words: Leptin, Ovarian cancer, Leptin receptor, Apoptosis

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