Treatment outcome of uterine compression sutures for massive postpartum hemorrhage.
Yong Hwa Chae, Yun Young Kim, Gye Hyeong An, Jang Hwan Woo, Jin Hoon Chung, June Seek Choi, Hyun Mee Ryu, Moon Young Kim, Jae Hyug Yang, Min Hyoung Kim
Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2010;53(9):769-777. Published online 2010 Sep 1 DOI:
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Outcomes of Subsequent Pregnancies After Uterine Compression Sutures for Postpartum Hemorrhage
Gye Hyeong An, Hyun Mee Ryu, Moon Young Kim, Jung Yeol Han, Jin Hoon Chung, Min Hyoung Kim
Obstetrics & Gynecology.2013; 122(3): 565. CrossRef