Successful medical treatment of a patient with hepatic pregnancy. |
Hyo Jeong Seong, Keum Soo Han, Ju Hyun Kim |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu, Korea. |
Abstract |
Abdominal pregnancies are a small fraction of ectopic pregnancies. They usually implant on the pelvic cavity after disruption of the initial implantation site in the tubes, but they have been reported from all over the peritoneal cavity. In this case, the conceptus was implanted in the inferior-posterior area of the right hepatic lobe. Surgical resection of a hepatic pregnancy may result in massive and even fatal hemorrhage. We report a case of hepatic pregnancy that had successful resolution by systemic intramuscular methotrexate injection only. |
Key Words:
Ectopic pregnancy, Liver, Methotrexate |