The rate of malignant endometrial polyps and it's associated factors. |
Yeon Jean Cho, Mi La Kim, Joo Myung Kim, Kwan Young Joo, In Kook Lee |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cheil General Hospital & Women's Healthcare Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVE To determine the incidence of benign, hyperplastic, and malignant endometrial polyps and whether particular clinical parameters are associated with malignancy in the polyps. METHODS: Four hundred and forty nine patients who were suspected as endometrial polyps by hysteroscopy underwent hysteroscopic guided removal over 12 months period were retrieved. The medical records and histopathological findings were reviewed. Statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: Histologically, among 360 (80.1%) polypoid lesions, 353 polyps (75.1%) were benign; 16 polyps (3.5%) had simple or complex hyperplasia, only 1 polyp (0.2%) had hyperplasia with atypia (considered as premalignant lesions), and 6 polyps (1.3%) were cancerous. Non polypoid lesions were found in 89 (19.9%) cases. Older age, postmenopausal status were associated with pre-malignant or malignant changes significantly, but presence of abnormal uterine bleeding, multiplicity, larger sizes (>1.5cm) were not a predictor of malignancy in the polyp. CONCLUSIONS: Age and menopausal status may increase the risk of premalignant and malignant polyps. Although the risk of malignancy is low, we should pay attention to postmenopausal women with endometrial polyps regardless of the symptoms, and we prefer hysteroscopic resection for the exact diagnosis. |
Key Words:
Endometrial polyps, Endometrial hyperplasia, Endometrial carcinoma, Hysteroscopy |