A Case of Tetrasomy 12p Diagnosed Prenatally. |
Kyoung Soon Lee, So Young Lee, Hee Jeong Park, Hyun Suk An, Sook Ja Park, Jin Yeong Han |
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, *Department of Laboratory Medicine, Ilsin Christian Hospital, Busan, Korea. 2Department of Laboratory Medicine Dong-A University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea. |
Abstract |
Tetrasomy for the short arm of chromosome 12 (Pallister-Killian syndrome) is an uncommon mosaic aneuploidy, which may present in the prenatal period with an ultrasonographically detected fetal abnormalities or following karyotyping for maternal age and other causes. In this syndrome the chromosome abnormalities, isochromosome is present in amniocyte with a much greater percentage than fetal lymphocyte. The most consistent reported prenatal ultrasound findings for tetrasomy 12p include polyhydramnios with short femurs and a diaphragmatic hernia. We report a case identified by prenatal karyotyping diagnosis. |
Key Words:
Tetrasomy 12p, Pallister-Killian syndrome, Mosaicism |