Korean J Obstet Gynecol Search


Korean Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2001;44(12):2212-2216.
Published online December 1, 2001.
Comparing the Efficiency of 75 gm Oral Glucose Tolerance Test to 100 gm Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Diagnosing Gestational Diabetes in Korean Women.
Ji Hyun Suh, Eun Hae Yoon, Eon Ah Kim, Young Ju Kim, Kyung Soon Lee
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ewha Women's University College of Medicine.
The purpose of this study was to compare one-step 2 hour 75 gm oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) with two-step 3 hour 100 gm OGTT of National Diabetes Data group (NDDG) criteria for determining gestational diabetes. METHODS: Data for 111 pregnant Korean women who were diagnosed of gestational diabetes either by 75 gm OGTT or 100 gm OGTT and 100 normal controls were reviewed and analyzed retrospectively. The effectiveness of the two tests was determined by comparing the frequency of diabetes-related pregnance outcomes such as macrosomia, cesarean delivery, and preterm birth. Chi-square, Fisher's Exact test, and T-tests were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Among 111 gestational diabetic women, 59 (53.2%) were diagnosed by WHO criteria of 75 gm OGTT and 52 (46.8%) were diagnosed by 100 gm OGTT of NDDG criteria. Frequency of macrosomia and cesarean section was higher in 75 gm test group than in 100 gm test group (12.3% vs 5.8% and 35.1% vs 21.2%, respectively), but the difference was statistically not significant. When compared to the control group, 75 gm test group reached statistical significance in having higher incidence of macrosomia (12.3% vs 3%, p<0.05) whereas 100gm test group did not. CONCLUSION: Efficacy of the diagnostic criteria of WHO was comparable to that of NDDG for diagnosing gestational diabetes. This suggests WHO's 75 gm OGTT to be an efficient diagnostic tool for gestational diabetes in Korean women.
Key Words: gestational diabetes, 75 gm oral glucose tolerance test, 100 gm oral glucose tolerance test, macrosomia

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