A Case of laparoscopic surgery for huge dermoid cyst. |
Yong Il Kim, Jong Bum Lee, Kyung Su Min, Dal Su Hong, Ji Sik Choi, Young Seok Seo |
Department of Obsterics and Gynecology, Chungnam University Medical School, Taejon, Korea. |
Abstract |
Dermoid cysts are the most common type of ovarian neoplasms occurring during a woman's reproductive life and account for 25% of all premenopausal ovarian neoplasms. Intraoperative spillage of dermoid cyst materials may lead to febrile morbidity, ileus, peritonitis, adhesion or fistula formation. Rarely, malignant element spillage, if present, may also lead to cancer dissemination. The management of dermoid cyst is controversal. Recently, laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cysts has been increasingly accepted. But, in view of the high risk of intraperitoneal rupture of large sized cysts, many surgeon still prefer the laparotomic approach. Recently, we did laparoscopic salphingo-oophorectomy to the patient having 20cm sized dermoid cyst. Intraoperative spillage of cyst material occurred, but patient recovered without any postoperative complication. So, we present this case with brief review of the literatures. |
Key Words:
Dermoid cyst, Teratoma, Laparoscopy |