The Clinical Significance of Expression of Bcl-2 and CD-44 molecules in Cervical Cancer and Its Correlation with Known Prognostic Factors. |
Dong Kyu Kim, Hyun Yong Jung, Young Tae Kim, Byung Seok Lee, Kyung Seo, Yoon Ho Lee, Kook Lee, Jae Wook Kim, Nam Hoon Cho |
Abstract |
OBJECTIVE The study was designed to investigate the expression of Bcl-2 and CD-44 molecules in cervical cancer and compare the results with known clinical prognostic factors, and lastly to define the roles of Bcl-2 and CD-44 molecules in tumorigenesis and metastasis of cervical cancer. METHODS: A total of 85 patients were enrolled in this study and retrospective analysis of prognostic factors were compared with immunohistochemical staining of Bcl-2 and CD-44. RESULTS: The expression of Bcl-2 was relatively even when we compared with stage, cell types, grade and lymph node metastasis. And the CD-44 spliced variant form V6 expression was significantly strong in higher stage and positive lymph node metastasis but cell types and grade of tumor does not correlated with status of CD-44 expression. CONCLUSION: Bcl-2 expression in cervical cancer does not correlate with clinical prognostic factors, but CD-44 spliced variant V6 form does correlated with poor prognostic factors. CD-44 may play a role in the process of the tumor metastasis and poor prognosis. |
Key Words:
Bcl-2 gene, CD-44 molecules, spliced variant form V6, cervical cancer, CD-44 |