Experience of Simplified Protocols in In-Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Program. |
Hyuck Chan Kwon, Kyung Joo Hwang, Hyun Won Yang, Jung Hyun Rhyu, Soon Jung Hong, Jee Young Park, In Ja Yoon, Dong Min Kim, Chan Il Park, Haeng Soo Kim, Ki Suk Oh |
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea. 2Department of Nuclear Medicine, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea. |
Abstract |
During the past few years much effort has been put into simplifying the clinical man-agement of in-vitro fertilization/embryo transfer cycles. One important step was the intro-duction of transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte collection, as previously described. This study describes further simplifications in the clinical management of ovarian stimulation and luteal support, and in-vitro fertilization procedure. During the period from October 1994 to September 1995, two major simplification steps were introduced. All cycles were administe-red with a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist according to a long or short protocol preventing premature LH surge. During period I (Group I, n=62 cycles), closer monitoring by several pelvic ultrasound scans and serum oestradiol was used for monitoring the ovarian stimulation ; HTF media with fetal cord serum was used for insemination, growth and tran-sfer media in IVF-ET procedure ; progesterine in oil was daily used by intramuscular injec-tion for luteal support. During period II(Group II-I, n=71 cycles), only several ultrasound scans were used for monitoring the ovarian cycle ; Medi-cult IVF media containing synthetic serum replacement was used for insemination, growth and transfer media; Progesterine in oil was used daily by intramuscular injection for luteal support. During period III(Group II-II, n=16 cycles), further simplification of the clinical management was introduced by using a intravaginal micronized progesterone(Utrogestan) for luteal support. Retrospective analysis between Group I and Group II showed no differences in the number of oocyte(13.2+/-0.8/14.6+/-1.0), fertilization rate(71.5 %/60.7 %), cleavage rate(63.6 %/57.9 %), number of embryos transfered(5.0+/-0.5/4.5+/-0.5). Ongoing pregnancy rates obta ined from the three groups(Group I, Group II-1, Group II-II) were 25.8 %, 25 % and 40 %, respectively(p=ns). But introduction of minimal monitoring gave a significant reduction in the average number of US measurements in the simplified groups(Group II) compared with the group using the conventional monitoring protocol(Group I)(3.8+/-1.0/8.7+/-2.8, p<0.05). In the above groups, five patients developed severe OHSS but there was no differenc e in the distribution. Conclusively, simplified protocols including minimal follicle monitoring only by US, IVF-ET with Medi-cult IVF media containing synthetic serum replacement and the luteal support with intravaginal micronized progesterone gave a increased efficacy of the clinical phase of IVF treatment without a reduction in the success rate. |
Key Words:
IVF-ET, GnRH agonist, simplification, serum-free culture media, synthetic serum replacement, micronized progesterone |