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The efficacy of GnRH(gonadotropin releasing hormone) and TRH(thyrotropin releasing hormone) stimulation test in amenorrhea.1991 December;34(12)
Hormonal and growth effects of GnRH analogue and gonadal steroid hormones on gynecological tumor cell lines.1992 November;35(11)
Effect of steroid and gonadotropin on the cumulus expansion and oocyte maturation in vitro.1993 May;36(5)
The effective of ultrashort-term gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist administration in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for in vitro fertilization.1993 July;36(7)
Direct modulatory action of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist on ovarian function : Effect on progesterone production in FSH-stumilated procine granulosa cell culture.1993 September;36(9)