Obstetrics & Gynecology Science



Corrigendums Efficacy and safety of drospirenone 2 mg/17β-estradiol 1 mg hormone therapy in Korean postmenopausal women
Bo Ra Park, Hye Na Park, Ji Back Jung, Eun Sil Lee, Jeong Sig Kim, Gyu Yeon Choi, Jeong Jae Lee, Im Soon Lee
Korean J Obstet Gynecol. ;0():-.
Short Communication Efficacy and safety of drospirenone 2 mg/17β-estradiol 1 mg hormone therapy in Korean postmenopausal women
Bo Ra Park, Hye Na Park, Ji Back Jung, Eun Sil Lee, Jeong Sig Kim, Gyu Yeon Choi, Jeong Jae Lee, Im Soon Lee
Obstet Gynecol Sci. 2017;60(2):213-217.

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