Obstetrics & Gynecology Science



Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2006;49(6):1188-1195. Published online June 1, 2006.
Oocyte Donation in Infertility Treatment.
Jeong Ho Rhee
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea. r1670416@dsmc.or.kr
Recent advances in assisted reproductive technology have been able to overcome the nearly all problems associated with traditional infertility factor. IVF and ET using donated oocyte has brought new hope to many couples who otherwise would remain childless, so oocyte donation can be the alternative treatment modality for specific fatal infertility patients. The high success rate of this procedure has led to its wide application in women with ovarian failure or dysfunction, at various ages and for various etiologies. Oocyte donation is also offered to patients who repeatedly fail to conceive with standard IVF. But there are many conflicting issues in this procedure such as moral, ethical, medical, legal problems. We review the technical aspects related with oocyte donation in infertility treatment and ethico-legal issue.

Keywords :Assisted reproductive technology;Oocyte donation;Alternative treatment modality;High success rate;Ethico-legal issue

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