Obstetrics & Gynecology Science



Original Article
Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 2002;45(8):1347-1353. Published online August 1, 2002.
The Obstetrical and Statistical Aspects of the Unmarried mother.
Min Su Kang, Jung Yeun Lee, Sang Hyeok Lee, Eun Hee Oh, Chul Woo Lee, Beom Choi, Yong Duk Shin, Dong Jin Kim
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gang Nam General Hospital Public Corporation.
We focused the objective of this study on the obstetrical and statistical aspects of the unmarried mother, especially teenage pregnancy and 20's pregnancy. METHODS: The 112 well-documented records in the 130 unmarried mothers who delivered at Gangnam general hospital public corporation from 1998 to 2000, were enrolled in our study. Unmarried mothers were divided into three age groups; teenage group, 20's group and 30's group, then, each group was analyzed by liable methods, SPSS (Version 10.0.7) and data were processed by Student's t-test and accepted as the significant meaning within p-value less than 0.05, 95% significant level. RESULTS: In this study, teenage mothers were delivered lower birth weight babies than those of other groups (p=0.000001). Sex partners of teenage mothers, most school boy friends, were similar age to those mothers and low economic state. Despite desire of bringing up children (teenage 11% versus 20's 36%), they gave up their babies because of monetary matters and social bias. And teenage mothers felt stronger affection for babies than 20's. Teenagers' and 20's unmarried mothers have poor information about contraception (teenage group 42%, 20's 31%). CONCLUSION: The unmarried mothers have been constituting many social problems. Fortunately, the absolute number of the unmarried mothers have not increased but the teenage pregnancy has the majority of unmarried mothers (> OR =50%). It is necessary for unmarried mothers to take the education of contraceptive measures, the social systems of bringing up the boarder babies and the retraining courses of unmarried mothers.

Keywords :Unmarried mother;Teenage pregnancy

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