Obstetrics & Gynecology Science



Case Report
Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 1998;41(8):2268-2272. Published online January 1, 2001.
Two Cases of Abdominal Pregnancy.
W H Jo, S E Kim, I H Chae, I B Kim, B C Cho
Abdominal pregnancy is a rare condition, representing only 1.6% of all ectopic pregnancy. It may occur by primary implantation of the fertilized ovum in the peritoneal cavity. However rare it may be, the complications of abdominal pregnancy can be devastating. The perinatal mortality and maternal mortality were 85~95% and 0.5~6% respectively. Optimal obstetrical care requires early diagnosis and prompt surgical intervention. We report our experience with two primary abdominal pregnancies with a brief review of literature.

Keywords :Primary abdominal pregnancy

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