Obstetrics & Gynecology Science



Original Article
Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 1998;41(6):1671-1679. Published online January 1, 2001.
"Flow Cytometric Reactivity of Anti-Endometrial Cancer Monoclonal Antibody ""MSN-1""".
E H Kim, S G Lee, T H Cho
In the cytology, we sometimes have difficulties to make definitive diagnosis of endometrial cancers. In order to devise a new supplementary method, we used anti-endometrial adenocarcinoma monoclonal antibody MSN-1. In immunohistochemistry, MSN-1 reacted with more than 80% of endometrial adenocarcinomas. So, we analyzed the reactivities of MSN-1 with normal endometrium and endometrial adenocarcinoma by flowcytometry. First, in order to find out optimal conditions of sample treatment, we carried out some fundamental experiments using cultured SNG-II cell line which was the immunogen of MSN-1. They were clarified that mouse IgM had to be used as a control in every sample in order to subtract nonspecific reaction, and that the cell damage might be reduced by using collagenase dissolved in tissue culture medium. In clinical samples, 0.1% collagenase was used to disaggregate tissues, and cell suspensions were stained by indirect immunofluorescence technique. After filtered through 50 micrometer nylon mesh, cells were analyzed by the flowcytometer FACscan (Becton Dickinson). All of 6 cases of endometrial adenocarcinomas showed positive rate of more than 30%, while 8 of 9 normal endometrium cases were under 30%, indicating that the application of MSN-1 to flowcytometry might be useful to differentiate endometrial cancer cells from normal ones.

Keywords :Flow cytometry;Endometrial carcinoma;MSN-1

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