Obstetrics & Gynecology Science



Original Article
Korean J Obstet Gynecol. 1997;40(9):1858-1862. Published online January 1, 2001.
The Association Between Unexplained Second-Trimester Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Elevations and Perinatal Complications.
Ja Young Jeong, Jae Seong Park, Sung Su Kang, Kyeong Min Jeong, An Teak Kim, Yong Ho Moon, Ki Sung Chung
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Masan Samsung General Hospital, Korea.
Our purpose was to study the correlation between elevated maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein(MSAFP) or human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG) levels and pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), preeclampsia, preterm delivery. MSAFP and HCG levels were measured in stored second-trimester(14~22 weeks) serum obtained from 510 women. The criteria for patients with unexplained MSAFP elevations were a MSAFP level 2.5 or greater multiples of the median(MoM) and HCG elevations were a HCG level 2.0 or greater multiples of the median(MoM) excluding multiple pregnancy, fetal malformation or death on ultra-sonography and molar pregnancy. In contrast, patients with MSAFP levels 0.5 to < 2.5 MoM, HCG levels < 2.0 MoM were served as controls. Women with elevated HCG levels had more significant association with PIH than control group(22.2 % versus 3.4 % ; p < .005). Elevated MSAFP was significantly associated with preeclampsia(7.7 % versus 1.1 % ; p < .05). But no significant differences were observed in the incidence of preterm delivery. We suggested elevated second-trimester MSAFP or HCG levels appear to be correlated with high risk for PIH and preeclampsia. So, These patients require careful monitoring with adequate obstetric managements.

Keywords :Unexplained elevation;Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein;Human chorionic gonadotropin;Pregnancy induced hypertension;preeclampsia

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