Obstet Gynecol Sci > Volume 65(1); 2022 > Article |
Han Sung Hwang has been an Editorial Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science; however, he was not involved in the peer reviewer selection, evaluation, or decision process of this article. Otherwise, no other potential conflicts of interest relevant to this article were reported.
Scoring system | Score | |
IOTA simple rules | Benign tumor (B-features) | Malignant tumor (M-features) |
B1: Unilocular | M1: Irregular solid tumor | |
B2: Presence of solid components where the largest solid component has a largest diameter <7 mm | M2: Presence of ascites | |
B3: Presence of acoustic shadows | M3: At least four papillary structures | |
B4: Smooth multilocular tumor with largest diameter <100 mm | M4: Irregular multilocular solid tumor with largest diameter ≥100 mm | |
B5: No blood flow (color score 1) | M5: Very strong blood flow (color score 4) | |
IOTA LRa)1 | y=1/(1+e−z), where z=−6.7468+1.5985 (1) −0.9983 (2) +0.0326 (3) +0.00841 (4) −0.8577 (5) +1.5513 (6) +1.1737 (7) +0.9281 (8) +0.0496 (9) +1.1421 (10) −2.3550 (11) +0.4916 (12) | |
IOTA LRa)2 | y=1/(1+exp-z), where z=−5.3718 +0.0354 (3) +1.6159 (6) +1.1768 (7) +0.0697 (9) +0.9586 (10) −2.9486 (11) | |
IOTA ADNEX | They used IOTA ADNEXA calculator. The factors are follows; age of the patient at examination, oncology center, maximal diameter of the lesion, maximal diameter of the largest solid part, more than 10 locules, number of papillations acoustic shadows present, ascites present, and serum CA125 or without serum CA125. |
IOTA, International Ovarian Tumor Analysis; LR, logistic regression; ADNEX, assessment of different NEoplasias in the adneXa.
a) LR factor: (1) personal history of ovarian cancer (yes=1, no=0), (2) current hormonal therapy (yes=1, no=0), (3) age of the patient (in years), (4) maximum diameter of the lesion (in millimeters), (5) the presence of pain during the examination (yes=1, no=0), (6) the presence of ascites (yes=1, no=0), (7) the presence of blood flow within a solid papillary projection (yes=1, no=0), (8) the presence of a purely solid tumor (yes=1, no=0), (9) maximal diameter of the solid component (expressed in millimeters, but with no increase >50 mm), (10) irregular internal cyst walls (yes=1, no=0), (11) the presence of acoustic shadows (yes=1, no=0), and (12) the color score (1, 2, 3, or 4).
Study | Study population | Type of studies | Objective | Conclusion |
Platek et al. [28] (1995) | 31 | Retrospective study (in USA, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center and the Weiler Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine) | To evaluate the pathological features and outcomes of pregnancies complicated by persistent adnexal masses managed conservatively or surgically | |
Bromley and Benatcerraf [29] (1997) | 125 | Retrospective study (single hospital in USA, Massachusetts General Hospital) | To determine the accuracy of ultrasound diagnosis and perinatal results in pregnant women with ovarian mass | |
Bernhard et al. [6] (1999) | 422 | Retrospective study (single hospital in USA, Washington University Medical Center) | To determine factors predicting the persistence of sonographically identified adnexal masses in pregnancy | |
Schmeler et al. [31] (2005) | 59 | Retrospective study (single hospital in USA, Women & Infants’ Hospital of Rhode Island, Brown University Medical School) | To determine whether there is a risk of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes when surgery is delayed in pregnant women with ovarian mass | |
Czekierdowski et al. [26] (2021) | 36 | Retrospective multicenter study (two departments of obstetrics and gynecology, one department of obstetrics and pathological pregnancy, and one gynecological oncology center in Poland) | To evaluate the accuracy of preoperative diagnosis of ovarian mass in pregnant women in SA, the IOTA group SRR and ADNEX models | Subjective assessment is the best predictive method for complex adnexal masses found on prenatal ultrasonography in pregnant women. For inexperienced sonographers, the SRR and ADNEX scoring systems can also be used for the characterization of these tumors, but the serum tumor markers CA125 and HE4 and the ROMA algorithms appear less accurate |
Lee et al. [27] (2021) | 236 | Retrospective multicenter study (eleven referral hospitals in South Korea) | To compare ultrasonographic ovarian mass scoring systems (IOTA, Sassone, and Lerner) and evaluate which factors can help predict the malignancy risk in pregnant women |
Usui et al. [45] (2000) | 69 | Retrospective study (single hospital in Japan) | To assess the impact on patients who underwent prenatal surgery and fetal outcomes | |
Mascilini et al. [46] (2017) | 34 | Retrospective observational study (four ultrasound centers in Italy) | To elucidate the ultrasound features that can discriminate between benign and malignant ovarian cysts with papillary projections but no other solid component in pregnant women |
Saliva and serum CA 125 assays for detecting malignant ovarian tumors.1993 February;36(2)